Blockchain & Crypto Glossary
Dynamically typed programming languages are languages that only check the code after successful program deployment. Dynamically typed languages are generally considered slower and more..
The Dutch East India Company was a trading megacorporation formed in the early 17th century for trading spices with India and, later, with Southeast Asia. The company is considered the first..
A dusting attack occurs when a trace amount of cryptocurrency, called dust, is sent to thousands — sometimes hundreds of thousands — of wallet addresses. This attack is deployed in order..
Any address or unspent transaction output (UTXO) that has a lower balance than the current fee charged to transact on that blockchain is under what is called the dust limit. The dust limit..
Dust is a very small fraction of a cryptocurrency or token; it is an aspect of many blockchain networks. On the Bitcoin protocol, dust can range from one to several hundred satoshis (sats)..
In finance, due diligence refers to an examination of financial records that takes place prior to entering into a proposed transaction with another party. Due diligence broadly refers..
A drawdown is a metric used to classify the decline in financial markets during a certain period. Drawdowns use a peak-to-trough approach in percentage terms. For example, if a specific..
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), or the Dow, is a widely used index and barometer of stock market performance that consists of 30 stocks from multiple sectors..
The double-spending problem refers to a critical risk with digital currencies where the same funds can be copied and spent more than once. With fiat currency, the spender transfers physical..
DOT is the native cryptocurrency of the Polkadot blockchain protocol and its underlying ecosystem. It is used to help maintain the security and consensus of the Polkadot Relay Chain and..
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