TRC-10 is another tokenization standard used by the TRON blockchain that stands apart from its more common TRC-20 tokenization standard. Although TRC-10 and TRC-20 tokens have several..
Within the field of cryptography, a trapdoor function, also known as a "one-way function", is an algorithmic puzzle that is simple to compute in one direction, but extremely difficult..
The Transmuter is the Alchemix protocol's primary pegging mechanism, which helps keep synthetic assets, like alUSD, at a 1:1 ratio with stablecoins like DAI. The Transmuter is powered..
The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is an organized suite of communication protocols that is used to connect network devices over the internet and transmit data..
On the Livepeer network, a Transcoder is a hardware device (specifically a GPU or CPU) that converts video from one format to another. Transcoders carry out the video transcoding process..
Transactions per second (TPS) refers to the number of data transactions that a computer network can exact within a second. The TPS measurement used for sending data on a blockchain network..
Transactions per minute (TPM) is a metric that refers to the number of data transactions that a computer network can process in a minute. TPM, along with transactions per second (TPS), is..
Transactions per hour (TPH) is a metric that refers to the number of data transactions that a computer network can process in an hour. TPH, along with transactions per minute (TPM) and..
A transaction's settlement time refers to the elapsed time between when a transaction is initiated and when assets are deposited in the recipient's account after all relevant financial..
A transaction ID (TXID), or transaction hash, is an immutable record of a digital transaction that's been recorded onto a blockchain ledger. Users are able to look up any past transactions..
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