Bitget, the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has launched the TraderPro Program, a demo trading competition that enables crypto traders to earn rewards of 10,000 USDT and dual profit without investing real money. TraderPro is designed to identify exceptional demo trading users who can become Elite traders on the platform. To provide greater recognition to top traders, Bitget offers initial investing capital to users, highlighting their trading and profit-making skills.
High performers in the TraderPro program are allocated an Elite trader account with demotrading funds (virtual funds). TraderPro has dual profit-making streams through zero investments. In addition to gaining real trading profits from demo tokens, Elite traders will be able to earn from their copy-trading followers' profits.
At #Bitget our vision is to accelerate mass adoption of crypto. We're observing a new wave of interest from youth and retail users. To boost this upcoming growth, we've launched TraderPro as a tool to provide more recognition and income for our users. Being the largest crypto copy trading platform, our features and products set examples for the growing crypto ecosystemsaid Gracy Chen, Managing Director at Bitget
TraderPro will be rolled out in two phases. First is a challenge where users have to hit certain goals and the latter is for winners who become verified Elite traders on the platform and can start making passive income on copy-trading demo tokens.
As a launch promotion, a prize pool of $10,000 USDT has been set for the challenge. TraderPro is open to all with a limited-time entry. With zero investments required, TraderPro enables students, blockchain developers and early graduates along with professional traders to earn passive income from crypto. For more information, please find it here.