Launchbar.pro is a platform for those who are interested in cryptocurrencies, voting for cryptocurrency projects, and searching for new coins.
Launchbar is a #WEB3 platform that provides information and data analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain market. With market data such as prices, market #capitalization, trading volume and various other metrics, users can get an up-to-date snapshot of each cryptocurrency's market.
Every day, thousands of coins appear in the world of cryptocurrencies. Traders need to be aware of the prices and other properties of the coins they are interested in. Launchbar.pro is the Wikipedia of cryptocurrency coins and more.
LaunchBar platform also allows users to promote projects, place banners, collect portfolios, attract referrals, etc. from their personal accounts.
The platform uses its own token Liza Coin (LZC) to pay for services, attract investments, promoters, influencers, #staking, referral payments, bets, etc.
- Total Supply: 100,000 LZC
- Contract: 0xA6550996403407481f2748a793aE40dA3b369F6d
- Audit - BlockSafu
- Whitepaper - Gitbook
- Purchase tax - 0% Sales tax - 0% Transfer tax - 0%
- Website https://launchbar.pro
- Website info https://tcpcoins.net
- Twitter https://twitter.com/CashPay13
- Telegram https://t.me/fatygroup
- LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitriyfit
- Discord https://discord.com/invite/EWqqBu4
- GitHub https://github.com/LaunchBar