Satoshi Nakamoto-era bitcoin whale sold 1,000 BTC when the first cryptocurrency hit an all-time high (ATH) of $69,129. By selling the asset, the user received US$68.3 million.
Bitcoins were reportedly mined in 2010, when the value of the main cryptocurrency was hovering around $0.28. In early March this year, the user consolidated these assets from different addresses. Apparently, the holder was preparing for the peak of the bitcoin exchange rate.
On March 5, 2024, the former owner of these assets transferred his cryptocurrency to the Coinbase exchange, where he received $68,309,864 for it.
According to BTCparsers, this was Whale's 16th activity. Periodically, this user "wakes up" and makes large transactions during notable price spikes. To date, this bitcoin whale has transferred a total of 17,000 BTC from various addresses.
The behavior of the #Satoshi era user was first noticed on March 11, 2020, amidst significant fluctuations in the value of bitcoin. The owner caught the attention of analysts several times thanks to large transactions, but disappeared from the scene in 2021 after bitcoin reached its previous ATH of $69,000.
After a two-year lull, #bitcoin whale reappeared in December 2023. It waited patiently for a new ATH before making the aforementioned transaction.