Blockchain & Crypto Glossary
User interface (UI) typically refers to the method of interaction between a user and a program via a digital screen, computer, mobile device, website, or software application. Like a user..
User experience (UX) describes how an end-user experiences a product or service. While subjective, UX generally refers to product simplicity, ease of use, efficiency, or a user's overall..
USD Coin (USDC) is a digital stablecoin pegged to the U.S. dollar. It operates on the Ethereum, Stellar, Algorand, and Solana blockchains. As of October 2021, USDC is the second-largest..
Unstoppable Domains is a service that allows users to send and receive tokens using a specific and easy to use self-selected domain name instead of an alpha-numeric wallet address..
An Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) is the amount of cryptocurrency that remains after a transaction is executed. Each UTXO represents a chain of ownership, which is represented as a chain..
Unrealized profit and loss (P&L) is a metric that is used to keep track of the profit or loss of open trading positions on an exchange or related platform. Generally, unrealized P&L is..
Universal Market Access (UMA) is a specialized protocol built on Ethereum that allows users to create custom synthetic cryptocurrency tokens. Synthetic tokens are collateralized by another..
The United States House Committee on Financial Services is a committee of the United States House of Representatives that is designed to oversee the U.S. financial services industry..
A unit of account is a standard unit of measurement of the value of a good or service. By attributing a specific measurement unit to a good or service, the monetary value of that offering..
Uniswap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that uses liquidity pools (LPs) to make markets without the need for order books or central facilitators. Uniswap is underpinned by smart contracts..
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