Blockchain & Crypto Glossary
NEM N1S1 is the official name of the original NEM blockchain protocol. In 2021, NEM released Symbol, a new and separate blockchain protocol that builds upon the strengths of the original NEM..
The NEM Foundation was established in Singapore in 2016 to promote the growth of the NEM ecosystem. The foundation markets NEM technology and pursues projects in support of its development.
Near-Field Communication (NFC) is a protocol that enables devices to communicate wirelessly when they are no more than 4cm apart. NFC devices can be used as keycards and to facilitate..
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is the largest and most reputable stock exchange in India. Launched in 1992, the NSE became the first stock exchange to offer clients automated electronic..
The National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) was established in 1976 as a registered clearing corporation regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The NSCC is..
The NASDAQ Composite Index is a stock index made up of more than 2,500 commodities listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Almost half of the index is made of stocks that represent technology..
NASDAQ, based in New York City, is the second largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization, second only to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The stock exchange is a global..
A naked, or "uncovered," call is an options strategy in which an investor sells a call option for a stock or security without actually owning the underlying security. Since the investor is..
My Story™ is a blockchain-based digital assurance solution created by VeChain and DNV (formerly DNV GL). My Story™ enables consumers to scan a QR code on a product to learn..
Mutualized Proof of Stake (MPoS) is a consensus mechanism that is used by the Qtum blockchain. Unlike Proof of Stake (PoS), MPoS divides each block reward between the block producer and..
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