From March 2024, Telegram channel managers will be entitled to receive 50% of the profits generated by the company through advertising on the channel. The remuneration will be distributed in TON tokens. This was announced by #Pavel Durov, the idea behind the initiative.
In March, Telegram's advertising platform will be officially available to advertisers in about 100 new territories.
"To guarantee fast and secure transactions as well as withdrawals for advertising purposes, we will rely exclusively on the TON blockchain. Our strategy is to sell ads and share the revenue with channel owners in Toncoin"stated Durov.
He also emphasized that "this mechanism creates a self-sustaining cycle" in which content creators can choose to either convert #Toncoin into cash or reinvest it in channel improvement and development.
It is worth noting that after this announcement, the TON cryptocurrency rose by about 20%. Currently, the asset's exchange rate is around $2.58.

Looking back to the events of November 2023, the TON team talked about the global implementation of the #wallet feature in the Telegram platform.